Early registration is open.Register now to save.

BevNET Live Winter 2023: Discounted Room Block Open in Marina del Rey


是时候订你的房间manbetx3.0 ! The leading event for the beverage industry heads to Marina del Rey, California on December 4 + 5. Register now to stay just steps from the action and save on your stay at theMarina Del Rey Marriott Hotel(4100 Admiralty Way, Marina Del Rey, CA).

Attendees can look forward to invaluable insights shared by industry leaders, expanded networking opportunities, the New Beverage Showdown, and samples of the latest innovations in the beverage industry, all set against the backdrop of sunny Southern California.

At BevNET Live, beverage brands can also participate in retailer one-to-ones, presented by SIP + Hi Touch Libations. Decision makers from a leading retailer are being finalized, but they will be available for private, pre-scheduled conversations during the two-day event. You must be registered for BevNET Live to participate.

BevN万博网投网站ET住罗om block always sells out, so we encourage you toregister todayto secure your place among retailers, investors, distributors, brand leaders, and industry partners. Plus, right now you can also take advantage of early registration pricing. Save $100 per registration.BevNET & NOSH Insiderssave an additional $100. Plan ahead to save and take advantage of both the room block and early registration discounts.

Register for BevNET Live Winter 2023 >>

Once you register, you will receive an email with the link to the discounted room block.

A limited number ofsponsorship opportunitiesare still available for those seeking to elevate their presence beyond participation.

About BevNET Live

BevNET Live is the leading event for the beverage industry, offering unparalleled networking opportunities and insights for brand leaders, retailers, investors, distributors, and industry partners. Each year, BevNET Live attracts hundreds of professionals seeking to stay at the forefront of the ever-evolving beverage landscape.